Email Kim Garretson.
I'd like to hear from J-School students and faculty about new media audience research.
Pulp-It: Commentary via remixed vintage pulp magazine covers.
MansGland: Men's health via humor.
The Piñata Mind, a previously published book becomes a blog about the author's journey.
Research on 350 classmates from journalism school.
P-n-P: Niche personal publishing via Photoshopped images.
Kim Garretson: Emerging Media Profile.
Corante's Many 2 Many: Social Networking
J-Walk, feels like a social network, with great discoveries for viewers.
From Hungary: Szanalmas clips or creates visuals for its microcontent links.
Steve Yelvington: Journalist exploring trends in personal content creation and sharing.
Others: JD Lasica; Susan Mernit; and Tom Coates' Plasticbag.
The Poynter Institute's Convergence Corner
Best Site for PR Industry views.
Kansas University Multimedia Classroom
South Carolina students blog about their year
Minnesota: Institute for New Media Studies
Missouri students & faculty discuss future audiences.
Missouri Journalism index page.
Previous Posts
- Kim Garretson: Companies to watch at CES '09
- In 2009 audiences will emerge....
- This blog is about the intersection of tech-enable...
- The wake-up call for lifestyle media
- In the wake of continued video deals in this awful...
- Yahoo! Mindset: Ah-Ha's for media site's futures?
- Who will lasso emerging media audiences?
- Jim Autry
- DaveTV
- Scripps is poised for the emerging audience
Pulp-It: Commentary via remixed vintage pulp magazine covers.
MansGland: Men's health via humor.
The Piñata Mind, a previously published book becomes a blog about the author's journey.
Research on 350 classmates from journalism school.
P-n-P: Niche personal publishing via Photoshopped images.
Kim Garretson: Emerging Media Profile.
Corante's Many 2 Many: Social Networking
J-Walk, feels like a social network, with great discoveries for viewers.
From Hungary: Szanalmas clips or creates visuals for its microcontent links.
Steve Yelvington: Journalist exploring trends in personal content creation and sharing.
Others: JD Lasica; Susan Mernit; and Tom Coates' Plasticbag.
The Poynter Institute's Convergence Corner
Best Site for PR Industry views.
Kansas University Multimedia Classroom
South Carolina students blog about their year
Minnesota: Institute for New Media Studies
Missouri students & faculty discuss future audiences.
Missouri Journalism index page.
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